
Time to Think. Time to Feel. Time to Create.

Time to Think PyramidsWe have become time masochists, robbing ourselves of the opportunity to live more meaningful lives.

We live in sound bites.  Tweets. Instant messages.  We’re irked we have to wait 10 seconds to buy things with our new smart chip cards.  I read recently that the average person’s attention span is less than three minutes, and it’s getting shorter.  We run from task to task, meeting to meeting, trying to accomplish as much as we can.   But at the end of the day, what do we have to show for it? 

My husband and I take walks.  We walk the same three-mile circuit several times a week.  And inevitably, he will pick up several coins along the way.  He’s like a human metal detector.  It’s amazing.  Lately, it’s been pennies.  We speculate people have no value for them anymore.  I sense the same thing about time. We’re suffering from time inflation.  What used to take a day, weeks or even years, can now be accomplished in minutes or seconds. The tools we have created to aid in development – high performance computing, graphic design software, CAD systems, are enabling us to develop at speeds unimaginable even ten years ago.

But we’re forgetting one important thing, the one constant throughout all of this high-tech, speed-enhancing innovation.  The human element.  Apps don’t generate ideas, people do.  And idea generation takes time. 

I recently discovered this two-minute video, which illustrates my point brilliantly:

We’re robbing ourselves of time to think meaningful thoughts.  And more important, to feel.  When was the last time you just sat, quietly, and were simply present in the moment?  Allowing yourself to unwind, to feel what’s in your heart? You might find fear, or anxiety, or sadness.  It’s hard, but it’s real.

If you’re like me, your mind is constantly racing, contemplating your next move.  Dinner reservations for tonight.  Flight reservations for next weekend.  Earnings week next week at work.  Yikes.  I need to create those slides.  I have to make myself stop.  Breathe.  And focus.  Break through the chaos that is my everyday life and decide what I want to focus on, right now.  What, of all of that, is truly meaningful?

At the end of my life, I want something real to show for it.  I am not sure what that is yet, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be measured in the number of tweets I generated.

7 thoughts on “Time to Think. Time to Feel. Time to Create.

  1. Absolutely true. Starting my day at office today after the weekend-offs, and I am still not able to focus on work, and there is loads of it, waiting to be picked up, 50 unread work-laden emails. And, I have instead come to seek some peace on your blog. Your words echo what I am thinking inside at the moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I so agree. Sometimes I find myself wanting to rush through things and be somewhere not doing what I’m doing. But when I slow down and notice what I am doing I enjoy the task so much more. Like preparing a meal – actually chopping the vegetables instead of throwing a Lean Cuisine in the microwave. I think zentangling has influenced me as well as meditating. I loved the video. It made me want to draw. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great perspective. I also think people are losing their sense of humor. Sense of humor brings a certain relaxed perspective-particularly when you can see the humor in the moment when times are really tough. It’s that shared laugh and the step back from the situation and breath that can relax and help put things in perspective. Life should be mainly a fun journey, but only when a sense of humor is your traveling companion.

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    1. Bob, you have always had a wonderful sense of humor, even in the face of huge challenges. I have been there with you for several of them, and I have repeatedly remarked on how, even when things were rough, you were able to keep a smile on your face. Sometimes it was gallows humor, but it was humor.


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